Write to GESB

You can write to GESB by following the link to their contact page or by simply emailing them from the contact form below:

We encourage you to write whatever you like, but if you are hunting around for words and would like a little help, here is a suggestion for you to copy and paste into your letter if you wish.

Dear GESB,

I write to you because I want to invest in super for a better future for myself and my children. I don’t want to be invested in industries that cause harm.

Fossil fuel investments and the burning of more carbon are a particular concern for me. To keep to the agreed safe limit of 2 degrees of warming, we need to keep 75% of all known fossil fuels reserves in the ground. But many fossil fuel companies are intent on simply burning more carbon. And coal through its pollutants causes nearly a million premature deaths globally every year.

Earlier this year, a GESB member wrote to you asking for an option to invest ethically. They were told GESB closed its socially responsible option in 2012 because “GESB members showed little appetite” for the fund.

But I think members do want to invest responsibly.

I am concerned GESB doesn’t explain or disclose what it is invested in. Only the top 10 companies are on the website.

I am writing to officially ask you to:

1. Provide greater holdings disclosure such that members are made aware of the companies they are invested in.

2. Offer a socially responsible investment option that explicitly excludes tobacco, gambling, weapons production and sales, old-growth logging and fossil fuel intensive industries.

3. Divest from thermal coal across its portfolios. Coal pollutants not only affect the climate but have direct health effects causing tens of thousands of premature deaths every year.

Kind Regards,

Your name.

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